Start the Collide

To come together with violent, direct impact. To crash together with a violent impact. These are two definitions of what it means to collide. I feel like this describes perfectly what this blog is going to hopefully be about. My hope is that we collide into some major issues facing the whites and blacks relationship in the nation. I want to hear from every side about where we are when it comes to race. It is 2010 and we need to put these issues at the for front of our daily lives and make that next leap to making America a more equal country. I know this is a very heated discussion but I hope that anyone who reads this or comments will respect the opinions of others and comes to each other with love and drive to really change the way things are. We have to change we cannot keep this gap between races alive. We must stand up one by one and realize that it starts with us. We must start taking this into our own hands. We must educate ourselves with the things that are going on in our country when dealing with the white and black cultures. To start the colliding effect we must violently crash into it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Collide -To come together with violent, direct impact.
-to crash together with a violent impact.

These are two definitions of what it means to collide. I feel like this describes perfectly what this blog is going to hopefully be about. My hope is that we collide into some major issues facing the white and blacks relationship in the nation. I want to hear from every side about where we are when it comes to race. We must address these issue in a productive and respectful way . It is 2010 and we need to put these issues at the for front of our daily lives and make that next leap to making America a more equal country.

I know this is a very heated discussion but I hope that anyone who reads this or comments will respect the opinions of others and comes to each other with love and drive to really change the way things are. We have to change we cannot keep this gap between races alive. We must stand up one by one and realize that it starts with us. We must start taking this into our own hands. We must educate ourselves with the things that are going on in our country when dealing with the white and black cultures.

To start the colliding effect we must violently crash into it.


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